In collaboration with the Gole del Sagittario Nature Reserve and WWF Oasis, we wanted to assess how much the presence of abandoned barbed wire can influence the wildlife behavior, limiting its movements. Specifically, as this video shows, three lines of barbed wire intersecting a game trail which many species frequent, don’t seem to be a big issue for the small wildlife, such as badger, porcupine, domestic cat, even if sometimes these animals display more indecision to go ahead. Instead, the passage of larger animals, such as wild boar and wolf, is slowed down visibly and, in the case of the roe deer, it is completely deviated.
After the barbed wire removal, it is possible to appreciate the greater freedom in the wildlife movements along the game trail that, in the end, is used even by the roe deer.
This small experiment demonstrates how the improvement of natural environment through the barbed wire removal has an ecological value that has positive influence on wildlife movements.
We warmly thank the European Outdoor Conservation Association and Patagonia&Tides Foundation for having sponsored the barbed-wire-removing action in different times.