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This morning we cleaned two lay-bys of the road SS17 together with representatives of the municipality of Pettorano sul Gizio

24 Ottobre 2020 | Non categorizzato

Despite the rain, this morning we cleaned two lay-bys of the road SS17 together with representatives of the municipality of Pettorano sul Gizio, including the mayor Antonio Carrara, the staff of the Monte Genzana Reserve and Cogesa, the volunteers of Legambiente and Rewilding Apennines.
The determination of our Italian and foreign volunteers responded to the indifference and ignorance of those who continue to abandon waste in nature.
During the clean up we found food remains, such as sausages and bacon, which could attract small and large carnivores to the road, with the real risk of involving them in road accidents. This proves how the fight against the abandonment of waste is an action of road ecology that is always necessary.