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Together for human-wildlife coexistence

21 Dicembre 2020 | Non categorizzato

The three associations Io non ho paura del lupo, Salviamo l’Orso and Rewilding Apennines have signed a mutual collaboration agreement in recent days to connect the three organizations and strengthen the work on their respective territories in favour of biodiversity conservation.

Three similar realities that together share many common objectives: to work for the protection and coexistence with the Marsican bear and the Apennine wolf, to contribute to the creation of ecological corridors aimed at promoting natural rewilding processes on the Italian territory, carry out activities in local communities to mitigate conflicts, deepen scientific knowledge and develop awareness on natural conservation issues.

These are just some of the topics that the three associations share, animated by great energy and enthusiasm, and which they will be able to develop in the coming months with further practical results.

A collaboration with a European flavour, as all three realities are part of the Rewilding Europe’s network, a prestigious Dutch foundation that works to promote the protection of nature and the development of rewilding processes in Europe, also for the benefit of human communities.

These collaborations further strengthen the importance of associations that deal with nature. These are actions that often remain in the shadow of the work of many volunteers, who roll up their sleeves every day to carry out grounded projects for the protection of key species for our ecosystems and to create correct information on these matters.