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Wild and Resilient: Mainarde Mountains

12 Febbraio 2022 | Non categorizzato

There are some corners in the Bears’ Lands rich in flourishing and abundant biodiversity, characterized by breathtaking landscapes that it is impossible not to love!
The mountain chain of Mainarde, in the Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise National Park, is one of these!

The video that we share in the occasion of the Darwin Day, voluntary carried out by the filmmaker Arianna Favalli with the videographic materials of our member Antonio Liberatore, wants to be an ode to a land that, thanks to its wilderness and resilience, has allowed to preserve the small population of Marsican brown bear, even during the darkest decades for the species. The soundtrack “Mainarde” by PieroRicci, a musician and composer from Molise, makes even more authentic this 4-minute journey amongst the natural beauties of these so wild mountains.

Thanks to all the volunteers involved in this work and to the Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise National Park for patronizing the initiative.


Video: https://it-it.facebook.com/SalviamolOrso/videos/617635786009748/