Can we rethink winter and imagine a non-impactful tourism on delicate balances of natural habitats? We believe it is possible. The first step in this direction is to say no to the environmentally and economically unsustainable expansion of ski resorts.
On the 16th of February, we came back to the Patagonia store in Rome to talk about this and much more, with Luca Albrisi and Alessandra Tanas. On the screen, the documentaries “Aspettando la neve” (“Waiting for the snow”) by Salviamo l’Orso and Treehouse Films, and “Across Emptiness.
Thanks to those who came to visit and support us!
This appointment is the first of many that we have made and will continue to make to keep the focus on this issue and, above all, to create a constructive dialogue on winter tourism and local communities.