It was a very special event that allowed to underline the identity importance of the Apennine bear for the small villages like Pizzone. This is a proud element that has to necessarily be transformed into concreteactions aimed at the best protection of the plantigrade by everyone: institutions, associations and citizens. The choice of the Bear Museum to celebrate this initiative just remarks the need to keep spreading the proper information, to involve the local communities and to work all together for the man-bear coexistence, both in and out the Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise National Park.
In addition to Poste Italiane and the administration of Pizzone, the director of PNALM, the Chair of the Park Community, the Regional Assessor at Tourism and the Chair of Isernia Province attended.
Salviamo l’Orso is always happy to support initiatives like this, aimed at increasing also the cultural value of our bear!