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News about Amarena’s cubs

The two orphaned cubs of Amarena are being constantly monitored by the Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise National Park zoologists, park rangers and the Carabinieri Forestali officers. Since the first week after their mother’s death, the PNALM has been sending out...

Notizie sui cuccioli di Amarena

I due cuccioli orfani dell’orsa Amarena sono monitorati costantemente dai tecnici del Parco Nazionale d’Abruzzo, Lazio e Molise, dai Guardiaparco e dai Carabinieri Forestali. Fin dalla prima settimana dopo la scomparsa della madre, il PNALM ha mandato degli...

A future for the bear

On Sunday 10th September at 10 a.m. in Piazza Mazzarino in Pescina (Province of L’Aquila), the event “A Future for the Bear” was held in memory of the bear Amarena and in defence of Italian fauna. The event was promoted by Salviamo l’Orso, WWF Italia,...

Un futuro per l’orso

Domenica 10 settembre alle ore 10 in Piazza Mazzarino a Pescina, in provincia di L’Aquila, si è svolta la manifestazione “Un futuro per l’Orso”, in memoria dell’orsa Amarena e in difesa della fauna italiana. Oltre a Salviamo l’Orso, la manifestazione ha avuto come...

Update on Amarena killing

Post-mortem examination of the bear carcass Amarena was killed by a single fatal shot. The bullet perforated her lungs and death occurred due to haemorrhaging. This is what emerged from the first results of the necropsy, carried out on September 5 in the Veterinary...