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Goodbye dear friend

Gaetano de Persiis, for all of us “Nanni,” left us last night. Sad news, a great loss for us, for SLO, for all those who have fought and are fighting to safeguard what remains of this nature mistreated and devastated by selfishness, business interests and...

Salutiamo un amico

Gaetano de Persiis, per tutti noi “Nanni”, ci ha lasciato la scorsa notte. Una notizia triste, una grande perdita per noi, per SLO, per tutti coloro che hanno lottato e lottano per salvaguardare quel che resta di questa natura maltrattata e devastata da...

Europarliament approves Restoration Law

Beaten by the mobilization of European citizens the Italian government and all those who, in order to defend short-sighted and selfish interests, tried everything to prevent its approval… Europarliament approves Restoration Law. “An event that can change...