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Temporary hunting closure for bear protection

In response to growing concerns for the safety of Amarena’s orphaned cubs, the Abruzzo, Lazio, and Molise National Park requested a temporary hunting stop in areas frequented by the cubs. This request was made to the competent offices of the Abruzzo Region and...

Alla scoperta dell’habitat dell’orso

A metà ottobre abbiamo passato una bella giornata all’aria aperta a Pizzone, alla scoperta dell’habitat dell’orso e dei frutti di cui si nutre, insieme ai bambini della scuola dell’infanzia di Cerro al Volturno, dell’Istituto Comprensivo...

Discovering the habitat of the bear

Last week we spent a wonderful day outdoors in Pizzone to discover the habitat of the bear and the fruits this animal eats, together with the children from Colli al Volturno’s kindergarten. Moreover, we explored the Museum of the Bear in a funny way and we ended...

The battle of NO PIZZONE II continues

A well-attended hike with more than 100 participants made known today the places in the Abruzzo Lazio and Molise National Park threatened by the Enel “Pizzone II” project. Valle Fiorita and the Campitelli plateau, on the border between Molise and Abruzzo,...