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LIFE Bear-Smart Corridors

Field activities to improve the habitat of bears and bear-related species in the central Apennines continue. A few weeks ago, teams from Rewilding Apennines, Salviamo l’Orso and volunteers from both organisations freed 960 metres of mountain from barbed wire,...

Progetto LIFE Bear-Smart Corridors

Proseguono le attività sul campo per il miglioramento della qualità dell’habitat dell’orso e delle specie ad esso connesse in Appennino centrale. Alcune settimane fa il personale di Rewilding Apennines e Salviamo l’Orso e i volontari di entrambe le associazioni hanno...

Expert report and legal procedure updates

Two weeks after the death of Amarena, the first results of the ballistic report were made public, confirming that the bear was on all fours when she was hit in the side by the bullet. We are expecting the full ballistics report, which around mid-December will shed...