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“Abusive!” – The scandal of the works for the cross-country stadium at Piani di Pezza in the Sirente-Velino Park

29 February 2024 | Non categorizzato

Work on the cross-country stadium in Rocca di Mezzo, in the middle of the Sirente Velino Regional Nature Park, is “abusive,” according to a note sent by those in charge of managing the civic use on which the work falls, the ASBUC of Rovere.

In the letter sent last Feb. 20 to the Region’s EIA Committee that is reviewing, after the fact (!), the Environmental Impact Assessment of the intervention, the ASBUC writes:

“The fact is that, to date, there are extensive earthworks carried out on land encumbered by civic use in the non-availability of the municipal administration, without prior demarcation, without authorization and therefore to all intents and purposes to be considered illegal.”

According to the ASBUC, a zoning variance and related Strategic Environmental Assessment would also be needed, which the municipality says would not be necessary because it would be a public work.
In truth, since the land is state-owned, the project should be subjected to the town planning variance procedure and subjected to SEA procedure. At present, the intervention project has never been approved by the Rocca di Mezzo city council (a prerequisite expressly referred to in the application procedure of Article 19 of the aforementioned Decree-Law).”

The amnesty and posthumous Impact Assessment procedure is not viable according to a Council of State ruling because it must be prior to the intervention, but for the associations it is literally unheard of that the same EIA Committee did not immediately dismiss the file once it verified that the land in question is encumbered by civic use and that the municipality of Rocca di Mezzo even started a construction site without having the availability of the areas.

It would be like building a house on someone else’s land without even asking permission from the owner!

Dulcis in fundo, after the EIA committee’s requests for clarifications about the conformity of what was executed with the project examined at the time – of course it is surreal that we can even talk about conformity for a project without the authorizations! – the construction manager in a note last February 22, 2024 also admitted that compared to the plans, the works are different with a rotation of several meters.

What needs to be added, the associations conclude, so that the judicial authority, to which these notes were sent by the associations, the Sirente-Velino Park, the regional commissioner for civic uses and the EIA committee will order the immediate restoration of the illegally cleared areas in the protected area?

ASBUC’s letter here:

Here is the note from the Director of Works: