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WATER: from Tales to Notebooks in Nature.

WATER: from Tales to Notebooks in Nature.

This is the name of the event we organized in Pettorano sul Gizio on April 6 and 7 as part of the Drop by Drop project. In collaboration with nature illustrator Elisabetta Mitrovic (@taccuiniinnatura) and herbalist Anna Lisa Cantelmi. The drawing workshop, herbal walk and documentary screening...

Nature Restoration Law in the Central Apennines.

Nature Restoration Law in the Central Apennines.

After the approval of the historic "Nature Restoration Law" by the European Parliament, before the past elections we published together with the Abruzzo Ornithological Station an open letter to the presidential candidates for the March 10, 2024 regional elections in Abruzzo, asking them to make a...

Great participation in Rieti

Great participation in Rieti

Lo Scarpone magazine discusses the event held Feb. 24 in Rieti at CAI headquarters. Save the Bear participated in an evening of the "Mountain Culture Events" series dedicated to bears. A wonderful opportunity to learn about the Alpine reality and share our Apennine experience of living together....

2023 in a magazine

2023 in a magazine

The 17th issue of our "Bear Lands" magazine is finally online and freely available at this link: https://www.salviamolorso.it/notizie/archivio-terre-dellorso/ 153 pages of bear science, information, opinions, and trivia.

Drop by Drop project activities continue

Drop by Drop project activities continue

On Jan. 3, environmental education activities of the Drop by Drop project, funded by EOCA European Outdoor Conservation Association, on the importance of wetlands resumed. Hosted by the Oak Chamois Visitor Center, we welcomed more than ten children of different ages with whom we discovered the...

2024 Calendars are SOLD OUT!

2024 Calendars are SOLD OUT!

We are pleased to announce that our calendars for the current year are sold out! Thanks to your incredible support, the calendars, illustrated by talented nature illustrator Elisabetta Mitrovic, were a huge success. These calendars are not just a way to keep track of the passage of time, but are...

Save the Bear
Association for the Conservation of the Marsican Brown Bear ONLUS
Olive Park Street, 11
65015 Montesilvano (PE)

VAT NUMBER: 02189990688
CF: 91117950682
MAIL: info@salviamolorso.it
PEC: ass.salviamolorso@pec.it

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