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We are waiting for the snow

In the photo you can see the snow situation at 1880 meters in Ovindoli on December 29. The situation raises important questions about the recent investment of millions for new facilities in Sheet Valley.   The question arises: was there really a need to spend millions of euros of public funds...

Big news!

Yesterday in Rome, friends and partners Naturetrek Wildlife Holidays finalized the purchase of a large wilderness area in Upper Molise, contiguous to the Collemeluccio MAB Reserve. The land will be managed precisely by Salviamo l'Orso, together with the local association IntraMontes, which has...

Hibernation also begins for our volunteers

A short hibernation also begins for Save the Bear and Rewilding Apennines volunteers, ending in early February. Our volunteer program this year hosted 92 volunteers, who spent an average of 3 months each with us. Volunteers from various European countries, as well as South Africa, New Zealand and...

Save the Bear Calendar 2024

This year we made a special decision: we created an illustrated calendar to raise awareness and celebrate the beauty of the Marsican bear and its habitat. We chose to collaborate with illustrator Elisabetta Mitrovic because of her environmental sensitivity and the beauty of her drawings. Each page...

Amarena puppy update

We present the latest developments in the lives of the young bear sons of Amarena. Over the past month, the pups have continued their journey of growth and exploration of their surroundings. Their presence was more evident at some times, while at others they only left signs of their passage. They...

Bear Lands – The Documentary

"Lands of the Bear" is a documentary produced by Salviamo l'Orso, which tells the story of the Marsican brown bear through the eyes of our association. Director Constantinos Christou, a dedicated and passionate Cypriot volunteer, produced this low-budget documentary that won 19 national and...

Save the Bear
Association for the Conservation of the Marsican Brown Bear ONLUS
Olive Park Street, 11
65015 Montesilvano (PE)

VAT NUMBER: 02189990688
CF: 91117950682
MAIL: info@salviamolorso.it
PEC: ass.salviamolorso@pec.it

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