Disclosure pursuant to Art. 13 of the Personal Data Protection Code
Salviamo l’Orso – Associazione per la conservazione dell’orso bruno marsicano ONLUS collects personal information and other data that are entered in the association’s registration forms or released in the form fields on the website, as well as forwarded by e-mail.
By submitting your personal data you authorize Salviamo l’Orso – Association for the Conservation of the Marsican Brown Bear ONLUS to process them.
Pursuant to Legislative Decree. 196/2003, we inform you that the processing of your personal data will be based on principles of correctness, lawfulness and transparency, protecting your confidentiality and your rights.
Purpose of processing
Your information will be used only to follow up on requests you make through the forms on the site (e.g., association membership, newsletter subscription) and for other association purposes. You may also be informed by the association about campaigns, initiatives, projects, and fundraising activities.
Mandatory or optional nature of conferral
The provision of such data is optional in nature. However, failure to provide, even partially, the data expressly indicated as necessary for the pursuit of the purposes requested by the interested party (e.g., membership in the association) may result in the impossibility for Salviamo l’Orso to proceed.
Method of treatment
Your data will be handled both manually and electronically by internal or external personnel assigned for this function. They will not be publicly disseminated or given to other parties. Save the Bear is committed to implementing every precaution necessary to prevent unlawful access or use of personal data.
Right of access to personal data and data controller
Persons to whom the personal data refer, parents or legal representatives of minors have the right to obtain, at any time, confirmation of the existence or non-existence of the data and to request that they be updated, corrected, supplemented and/or deleted, by written request addressed to the Data Controller:
Salviamo l’Orso – Association for the Conservation of the Marsican Brown Bear ONLUS
Olive Park Street, 11
65015 Montesilvano (PE)
or by e-mail to: info@salviamolorso.it
Browsing data and cookies
The Save the Bear website does not use targeted technologies for the purpose of collecting and/or transmitting personal data from users, nor does it use user profiling services provided by third parties. The Salviamo l’Orso website uses only technologies geared toward collecting statistical information, in a completely anonymous form, about the use of the website itself (e.g., total number of visitors on the sites, number of visitors per individual web page, name of the domain of origin of the visitors’ Internet service provider).
The site may use technical cookies in order to allow the proper functioning of some of its basic functionalities, and cookies installed by third parties, necessary for the functioning of some ancillary services (social network buttons), the site does not use profiling cookies in any way. Learn more in our cookie policy.
About cookies
Cookies are small text files that the server sends to the user’s computer. They may be stored on your computer and used to improve and personalize navigation but also to provide relevant information during future site views.
Type of cookies used on the site
The cookies used on this site are of two types:
Technical navigation cookies
This type of cookie is necessary for the proper functioning of some features of the site (e.g. login of administrators only, comment management), these cookies are completely anonymous and temporary and do not involve user profiling.
Third-party cookies
They are necessary for the proper functioning of social network widgets such as Google+, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube. Until explicit user consent is given such services will not be provided, preventing full enjoyment of the content.
The site does not in any way use cookies for personal profiling of users, related to marketing and advertising features.
Cookie deletion
Internet browsers usually accept cookies automatically, however you can always disable this feature and remove cookies at any time through your browser settings.
The methods differ by browser type and version, so we recommend that you refer to the manual or help screen specific to your program.
To opt-out of social widgets you can find the information here

Save the Bear
Association for the Conservation of the Marsican Brown Bear ONLUS
Olive Park Street, 11
65015 Montesilvano (PE)
VAT NUMBER: 02189990688
CF: 91117950682
MAIL: info@salviamolorso.it
PEC: ass.salviamolorso@pec.it