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Do our Bear-proof bins work?

This is the test result of the new prototype of the bear- smart waste bin with the borwn bears of the wildlife enclosuer in Campoli Appennino. LIFE Bear-Smart Corridors https://www.facebook.com/LIFEBearSmartCorridors/videos/1835819083462998

News from Drop by Drop

Drop by Drop project comes alive. Salviamo l’Orso’s volunteers have started monitoring and mapping fountains and small pools of water in the mountains. The project, financed by Eoca, aims to restore the water sources to protect biodiversity. First actions on the ground were about monitoring the...

News Drop by Drop

Il progetto Drop by Drop entra nel vivo. I volontari di Salviamo l’Orso hanno iniziato il monitoraggio e la mappatura dei fontanili e dei piccoli specchi d’acqua in montagna. L’obiettivo del progetto, finanziato da EOCA, European Outdoor Conservation Association, è ripristinarli a favore della...

How many bear cubs?

In 2022, 3 reproductive units of Marsican brown bear were counted with 5 cubs for the year, divided into 2 sibling pairs and one cub. The three family units, representing a minimum certain number, were all found within the northern sector of the Abruzzo Lazio e Molise National Park. This is...

I cuccioli del 2022

Nel 2022 sono state conteggiate 3 unità riproduttive di orso bruno marsicano con 5 cuccioli dell’anno, suddivisi in 2 coppie di fratelli e un piccolo. Le tre unità familiari, che rappresentano un numero minimo certo, sono state individuate tutte all’interno del settore Nord del Parco Nazionale...

Cleaned rivers for bears

Last Monday, Salviamo l'Orso’s volunteers were engaged in the collection of waste along the Riaccio river, inside the Riserva Monte Genzana Alto Gizio. Mountain rivers are real treasure chests of biodiversity: fish, amphibians, river shrimps and invertebrates of various species very sensitive to...

Salviamo l’Orso
Associazione per la conservazione dell’orso bruno marsicano ONLUS
Via Parco degli Ulivi, 11
65015 Montesilvano (PE)

P.IVA: 02189990688
CF: 91117950682
MAIL: info@salviamolorso.it
PEC: ass.salviamolorso@pec.it