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Another water collection poin has bene made safe

Between the end of November 2021 and the beginning of 2022 we installed four ramps, one on each side, on the slippery plastic sheet that covers the banks of the Collerotondo artificial snow pond. The intervention was agreed with the Municipality of Scanno. Although the season was not favourable,...

Goodbye Gregorio Rotolo

We join the community of Scanno in the mourning for the death of Gregorio Rotolo, an internationally renowned breeder, cheese producer and ambassador of coexistence with wolf and bear.  We want to remember him by sharing his famous speech in the documentary "Gemma, the mother of the bears" (from...

Addio a Gregorio Rotolo

Ci uniamo al lutto della comunità di Scanno per la scomparsa di , allevatore iconico, produttore di formaggi di fama internazionale e ambasciatore della coesistenza con lupo e orso. Vogliamo ricordarlo condividendo il suo celebre intervento nel documentario “Gemma, la madre degli orsi” (dal minuto...

Zompo Lo Schioppo Monitoring

We are happy to share the first results of the monitoring carried out in Zompo Lo Schioppo Regional Nature Reserve and in the SCI in the Municipality of Morino. This area represents a fundamental passage for the dispersion of wildlife, joining the protected areas of the Abruzzo Lazio and Molise...

Monitoraggio nella Riserva Naturale Zompo lo Schioppo

Siamo felici di condividere i primi risultati del monitoraggio svolto nella Riserva Naturale Zompo lo Schioppo nel SIC del Comune di Morino.Quest’area rappresenta un corridoio fondamentale per la dispersione della fauna selvatica, congiungendo le aree protette del Parco Nazionale d'Abruzzo Lazio e...

A non so ending story

On February 5th, the famous bear M20 or Juan Carrito came out of hibernation and came back to Roccaraso. At the apex of the ski season, and perhaps because of the exaggerated media exposure given to the presence of the animal, the small town - which was busy with tourists - once again was unable...

Salviamo l’Orso
Associazione per la conservazione dell’orso bruno marsicano ONLUS
Via Parco degli Ulivi, 11
65015 Montesilvano (PE)

P.IVA: 02189990688
CF: 91117950682
MAIL: info@salviamolorso.it
PEC: ass.salviamolorso@pec.it